Projects Media Categories Archive About

This is my (Henry Blanchette’s) website. The purpose of this website is to informally share my projects and items of interest for public reference. Some common topics are computics, software engineering, mathematics, philosophy, game theory, game design, politics, and (crypto)economics.



My research interests have centered around programming languages, simulation, mathematical modeling, and data analysis.

time topic association
2022-2023 Liquid Flex – extension of the Flex language with refinement types with Tangram
2022-2023 Pantograph – a zipper-interfaced well-typed structural editor with Jacob Prinz; at University of Maryland
2022 Zypr – a zipper-interfaced structure editor with Jacob Prinz; at University of Maryland
2022 Shape – a well-typed structure editor with Jacob Prinz; at University of Maryland
2022 Liquid Proof Macros (acm) – tactical metaprogramming for Liquid Haskell proofs with Leonidas Lampropoulos and Niki Vazou; at University of Maryland
2021 Block Types – generating dependently-typed terms using type-preserving mutations with Jacob Prinz; at University of Maryland
2021 Extensional Equality in Liquid Haskell with Leo Lampropolous, Niki Vazou, and Michael Greenberg; at University of Maryland
2020 Generalized Price Equation with Mark Bedau; for the Artificial Life Lab at Reed College
2020 Separation Logic in Agda with Jim Fix; at Reed College
2019 Gradual Verification with Jonathan Aldrich; for REUSE at CMU
2018 Reputation in Academic Citation Networks with Eitan Frachtenburg; at Reed College
2018 Vector Calculus Vizualizations with Kyle Ormsby for Project Project; at Reed College
2017 Milnor Fibration Vizualizations with Kyle Ormsby; for Project Project at Reed College

Education and Employment

My education has centered around mathematics, computer science, and philosophy. My employment has been in software engineering, theoretical computer science research, and software verification.

time event
2022-2023 worked as independent contractor at Galois with Tangram
2022 worked as summer intern at Galois, developing the Cryptol langauge and verifying cyber-physical systems using Coq
2021 worked as summer intern at Runtime Verification, verifying Ethereum smart contracts using the K Framework
2020 began PhD program in computer science at University of Maryland
2020 graduated undergraduate program at Reed College with BA in computer science. Thesis: Purity and Effect
2016 began undergraduate program at Reed College